Publikationen von Prof. Dr. theol. Dennis Solon

  • Diaconia as Peacebuilding: A Case in the Philippines. A contribution to a book project on international theological research in diaconia (UEM/IDM/Uni Heidelberg). (forthcoming)
  • The ‘way of the Lord’: Biblical roots of engagements for human rights and human dignity. Pages 153–161 in Strengthening Christian Perspectives on Human Dignity and Human Rights: Perspectives from an International Consultative Process. Edited by Peter Prove, Jochen Motte, Sabine Dressler, and Andar Parlindungan. Geneva: WCC, 2022.
  • Diaconia and human dignity - Asian theological considerations. Pages 317–323 in International Handbook on Ecumenical Diakonia. Edited by Godwin Ampony, Martin Büscher, Beate Hofmann, Felicité Ngnintedem, Dennis Solon, and Dietrich Werner. Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2021.
  • Divine Passive? An Interpretive Revisit of Romans 8:20 within the Context of Ecological Crisis. Ang Sinugo (2017): 80–113.
  • The Mission of Advancing Peace Based on Justice by Upholding Human and People’s Rights in These Critical Times (Eine Bibelarbeit zu Römerbrief 5:1). Pages 16-20 in Human Rights Week Celebration Guide. Manila: UCCP, 2017.
  • God’s Life-giving character and the double dimension of sin in Paul’sRomans: A revisit of Romans 8:20 in the context of ecological crisis. Pages 149–158 in Eco-theology, Climate Justice, and Food Security: Theological Education and Christian Leadership Development. Edited by Werner, Dietrich and Elisabeth Jeglitzka. Geneva, 2016.
  • Rechtfertigung der Sünder und Solidarität mitden Opfern. Eine befreiungstheologische Auslegung des Römerbriefs, Berlin 2015.
  • The Justification of Victims in Romans. Pages 201–216 in 500 Years of Reformation: Contributions for the Reformation of the (Asian) Churches Today. Edited by Beuker, Joane, Deonal Sinaga and Berend Veddeler. United Evangelical Mission: Yogyakarta, 2014.
  • Christian Education and the Double-Commandment of Love (Mark 12:28-34). Pages 12–17 in Church Workers Convocation 2014 Proceedings. Silliman Divinity School: Dumaguete, 2014.