If you are interested in a specific master thesis, please contact the library.
- Pandia, Yusni Rut Mentina Br
Disaster Management in GBKP.
Empirical and Conceptual Analysis of Ecclesiological Challenges in the View of Sinabung Eruption in Karo Land North Sumatera Indonesia.
- Johnny Johnny Eley
A case study on the district Maluku of D.R.Congo.
The role of the church in the environmental education in Africa.
- Ariho, Boaz
Financial sustainability of Church diaconic institutions in a competitive social service market
An empirical study of management systems in schools under Anglican Church of Rwanda-Kigeme Diocese using the St. Gallen Management Model. - Huneke, Annika
Diversity in the migration society
A critical analysis of structures, concepts and practices for the development of strategies towards inclusive protestant youth work in EKvW. - Malau, Hotmaia
Empowerment towards inclusive communities for persons with disabilities
Cultural contexts and diaconic strategies for Community-based-Rehabilitation (RBM) program of GKPS in Indonesia. - Mbenenge, Bonganjalo
Community, Inclusivity, Participation
Ubuntu Economics in contrast to Neo-Liberalism in South Africa. - Michalski, Mirjam
Herausforderungen und Chancen religiöser Vielfalt
Theoretische Analyse und strategische Ansätze religiösen Diversity Managements am Beispiel der Diakonie Wuppertal - Nteboya, Amani
Corporate governance in Faith Based Organizations (FBO)
A case of North Western Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. - Nyumba, Anna
Sustainability of elderly life in the midst of social-economic changes
A management-based assessment of old-age care in Kisarawe district in Tanzania. - Quezon, Priscilla Geizi Pascu
Church-based reintegration service for returning Filipino migrants
An exploration of possibilities, conflicts and cooperations. - Widyaningrum, Nicky
Justice for LGBT
An empirical analysis of the role of GKJW in advocacy for inclusive community.
- Ampony, Godwin Gladson Delase
Remuneration and welfare system for church agents
Context analysis and strategies: The Case of Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana (EPCG) - Bakulage, Napoleon Safari
From dependency to self-reliance
Socio-political context and tranformative diaconia in post war kalungu district of the baptist church in central africa/democratic republic of the congo - Ekoume Ngangue, Adolphe Parfait Mathieu
Prophetic Diaconia against Corruption
Contextual Analysis and Strategic Plan for Evangelical Church of Cameroon - Lugayana, Jackson
Advocacy for Children’s Right
Contextual Analysis, Transformative Diaconia and Strategies for Empowerment in the North Western Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania - Mrema, Javason
Mentally Challenged Children
Tanzania Context Analysis, Caring Communities and Sustainable Diaconic Strategies in the ELCT Northern Diocese - Mwakapeje, Faraja Samwel
Empowering Street Children Sustainably
A Context Analysis and Management of Transformative Diaconia in the ELCT Eastern Coast Diocese Tanzania - Ntarindwa, Viateur
Unemployment of women and Girls in Rwanda
Transformative diaconic strategies for the Anglican Church of Rwanda - Perera, Asiri
Youth and peace building in the Methodist church in Sri Lanka
Biblical Orientation and Strategies concepts development for Interreligious Dialogue - Purba, Aman Saud Parulian
Empowering Simalungun Coffee Farmers for Competitives in Global Markets
Socio-economic Supply Chain Analysis and Diaconic Strategies for GKPS Church in Indonesia - Sihite, David
Many a little makes a mickels
A Normative Analysis of Leadership in Intercultural Narratives and Philiarchy as Contemporary Leadership Style - Solis-Aguilar, Juliet:
The Role of UCCP Leadership in the Peace Building Process in the Philippines
Situation Analysis, Normative Leadership and Strategies - Tarigan, Yusuf:
The power of money
Alteration of Life Purpose, Good Governance and Financial Management for Community Organization in the Context of Ate Keleng Foundation of GBKP/Indonesia - Williams, Claudette:
Transformative Diakonia after Apartheid
Ocial political context, Historical Developments and Effective Management in the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa - Xie, Xiaoxuan
Who should lead this internet era?
Media competence Building for public diaconic leadership in the context of Amity Foundation
- Gultom, Rein Justin
Response to Growing Socio Economic Inequality within the Congregation
Strategic Plan for Expanding the Cooperative Credit Program of HKBP, Indonesia - Handel, Brian
Gang violence in Bishop Lavis community
A Stakeholder approach to the Missional Ministries of the Uniting Reformed Church Cape Synod in Southern Africa - Kibanga, Joyce Sosthenes
From Charity to Empowerment
Transforming Congregational-Based Diaconia for Addressing the Needs of Poor People in NED-ELCT, Tanzania - Ngnintedem, Félicité
Transformative Diaconia
Consciousness Awareness, Empowerment and Advocacy in response to growing economic inequalities in the Evangelical Church of Cameroon - Purba, Jenny Rossy
Social Effects of Proliferation of Palm Oil Trees in Indonesia
Context Analysis and Advocacy Strategies for GKPS/ Indonesia - Rugimbana, Jeremiah Mukurasi
Micro-Entrepreneurship and Vocational Training Schools in the Karagwe Diocese of ELCT/Tanzania
Responsibilities and concept development for Employabilities - Simorangkir, Ramayanti
Church-based Trauma Healing Centers in North Sumatera, Indonesia
Context Analysis and and Diaconic Development Strategies - Sivanayagam, Sujithar
Human Rights Promotion in Trincomalee Methodist Church/Sri Lanka
Context Analysis and Advocacy Development Strategies - Suparni Soebroto, Deborah
Corporate Governance for Organisational Stability
A Case Study for SION FOUNDATION /Indonesia - Umuraza, Mathilde
The Presbyterian Church of Rwanda (EPR) and Persons with Disabilities
Context Analysis, Structures and Strategies to Develop an Inclusive Church - Van Wyk, Janine
Child Poverty in Namibia
Contexts, Structures and Stratey for ELCRN in Expanding Financial Support
- Francis Yao Amalgo
Business Activities, Corporate Social Responsibility and African Ethics
Socio-economic Contexts, Moral Attitudes and Advocacy Diaconia of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) in Ghana - Nofia Hudaya
Interreligious Dimensions of Diaconia
Theological Fundaments and Forms of Muslim-Christian Cooperation in Indonesia - Peter Imponge
Financial Management of Congregations
Financial Behaviour, Control Mechanisms and Transparency Criteria in the CADELU Church / D.R.C - Fred Wong Lap Kay
Diaconia for the Elderly in the Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong Synod
Context of Diaconia, Theological Challenges and Strategic Response of the Church - Wilbroad Mastai
Diaconia in Metropolitan Areas
Public Theology and Management of Community Services in the Eastern Coastal Diocese (ECD-ELCT), Dar es Salaam/Tanzania - Lydia Mulokozi
Psychosocial Support for Youth in Mourning and Grieving
Normative Fundaments, Forms of Support and Strategic Support Development in the North Western Diocese of Evangelical Lutheran Church (NWD-ELCT)/ Tanzania - Arulnathan Nadarajah
Prophetic Diaconia for Reconciliation in Contemporary Sri Lanka
A Study of Diaconic Theology, Normative and Strategic Management within the Methodist Church - Hazel Lilian Corro-Navarra
Economic Performance and Social Mission
An Evaluation on the Relation of Economic Performance and Educational Ministry of Brokenshire College, Philippines as Social Enterprise - Agustinus Purba
Poverty Eradication and Community Empowerment
Diaconia, Leadership and Participation in the Context of GBKP/ Indonesia - Tioria Sihombing
Corporate Social Responsibility and Batak Values
Good Governance, Business Ethics and Advocacy of the Huria Kristen Batak Protestant Church (HKBP)/ Indonesia